
Geriatrician, Hospitalist, Patient Advocate, Healthcare Educator

What Is Movember?

Photo by Alan Hardman

Movember or No-Shave November was initially started by Australians combining the terms “moustache” and “November” together. Movember is when men around the world grow a moustache in the month of November to bring awareness to men’s health issues such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health, etc.

On an average, women live about 6 years longer than men, making it important for men to make their health a priority and for women to support this.

It is a good time to reflect on some aspects of your life that you need to change for the betterment of your health. There are daily steps you can make to lead a healthy lifestyle:

  • Eat healthy-lots of vegetables, fruits, whole grain, home cooked meals, limit the two vices(sugar and salt)
  • Regular exercise-come up with a plan to start incorporating activity/exercise into your day
  • Keep up with your medical appointments and take your medications as prescribed
  • Be aware of your numbers-be it blood pressure, cholesterol, BMI, glucose, so you know what you need to work at
  • Maintain a healthy weight-remember being overweight will increase your risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke
  • Work on stress management
  • Get enough sleep
  • Stay safe-seatbelts, helmets, smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors
  • Self care-make sure you do things to take care of yourself, getting “me” time in, reading, using sunscreen, etc