
Geriatrician, Hospitalist, Patient Advocate, Healthcare Educator

Microwave Popcorn Is Actually Bad for You

Photo by Georgia Vagim

Enjoying microwave popcorn on movie nights is often a ritual for most people. It is so easy to put the bag in the microwave and it gets done in minutes so really takes no effort. However, what most people don’t realize is that microwave popcorn is actually bad for you. Although different brands vary is portions and other added flavorings, it is best to avoid.

Here is why you should stay away from microwave popcorn:

  • Has high amount of saturated fat
  • Sodium levels are very high-can contain 900 mg of sodium per bag
  • High in calories-contains about 400-500 calories per bag
  • Bag is lined with chemicals called PFAS, synthetic chemicals inside food packaging to prevent artificial butter flavoring from leaking through, but some of these chemicals also get into the popcorn which you in turn eat.
  • Can cause “popcorn lung”. One of the ingredients found in microwaveable popcorn is diacetyl, a flavoring which has been linked to lung disease, bronchiolitis obliterans, a disorder nicknamed “popcorn lung”

So, what should you do instead? Pop your own popcorn! It is really not too hard to do. Next time you head to get groceries, pick up popcorn kernels. You can get creative with seasonings and avoid the extra chemicals, fat, sodium, and calories.

What to Eat in the Heat?

Per Alice Park in an article published in Time, “When It’s This Hot, What Should You Eat?”

“One place to start is to explore how heat influences diets in warmer parts of the world. Why, for example, do the spiciest foods come from the hottest places on the planet? Think southeast Asian curries and peppers, and South American chilis. If spicy foods make you sweat and feel even hotter, why are they such a staple in warmer regions?

…a protein on our cells called TRPV1 acts as a receptor for the active agents in spicy foods, such as capsaicin and capsinoids. The cells that have the highest concentration of TRPV1 receptors are on the tongue and the front of the roof of the mouth. Those spice agents trigger the receptors to send signals to the brain to release norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter primarily responsible for launching the fight-or-flight response. When this hyper-alert response is triggered, the body releases heat by triggering the sweats. That was helpful to human ancestors trying to outrun potential predators thousands of years ago…and also turns out to be useful in adapting to climate change today.There are a bunch of foods and spices that can activate TRPV1.

In addition to hot peppers, sweet peppers and black pepper can also stimulate the receptor. Garlic can as well, through a different chemical called diallyl sulfide, which doesn’t produce the same spicy sensation in the mouth but has the same end effect of activating norepinephrine and generating perspiration. Ginger and galangal, another root vegetable with a sharp, citrusy taste, are other foods—also commonly used in hotter regions—that can cause the same sweating and cooling effect.

Something to keep in mind during the heat is what we eat. In addition to good hydration, hydrating foods such as fruit, don’t shy away from that spicy food!

Tips to Stay Cool in the Heat

Photo by Jared Rice

The heatwave continues in some parts of the country and even the globe. Here are some tips to stay cool in the heat:

  • Plan errands and outdoor work/activities in the morning or evening when sun goes down if possible. Try to avoid sun exposure between 11 AM and 2 PM when the sun is the hottest.
  • Place ice cubes in your water bottle if outside
  • Block out windows with curtains or darker sheet during the daytime to keep heat out
  • Spray yourself with water with mist of cool or room temperature water
  • Limit use of stove and oven as it will make your house get hotter
  • Stay hydrated
  • Eat foods that have water content such as fruits. If you have salty foods, drink enough water
  • Eat spicy food-if will make you sweat and therefore cool you down
  • Take cool showers to cool down
  • Dress in loose, light colored clothing, look for UV protection with ultraviolet protection factor(UPF) of at least 30. Look for cotton clothes as it absorbs sweat.
  • Use sunscreen
  • Protect your eyes with sunglasses when outdoors
  • Stay in air conditioned indoors as much as possible

Tap Water May Contain Chemicals

Per John Flesher in an article published in Time, “Drinking Water From Nearly Half of U.S. Faucets Likely Contains ‘Forever Chemicals’ Study Warns”

“Drinking water from nearly half of U.S. faucets likely contains “forever chemicals” that may cause cancer and other health problems, according to a government study. The synthetic compounds known collectively as PFAS are contaminating drinking water to varying extents in large cities and small towns — and in private wells and public systems, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

The USGS report was based on samples from taps in 716 locations, including 447 that rely on public supplies and 269 using private wells. The samples were taken between 2016 and 2021 in a range of locations — mostly residences but also a few schools and offices. They included protected lands such as national parks; residential and rural areas with no identified PFAS sources; and urban centers with industry or waste sites known to generate PFAS. Based on the data, researchers estimated that at least one form of PFAS could be found in about 45% of tap water samples nationwide..

PFAS(per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances) are synthetic chemicals that are hazardous to human health. They can be found in tons of everyday items we are exposed to… linings of fast-food boxes and wraps, used as grease-proofing agent in microwave popcorn bags, non-stick cookware, used to make clothes and carpet stain-resistant,etc. Exposure has been assocaiated with obesity, cancer, thyroid disease, decreased fertility, liver damage, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.

So, what can you do? Get educated about your tap water. Look into the water quality report called the Consumer Confidence Report(CCR) if you get municipal water. Those on well water do not get a CCR so would have to get water tested. Consider installing a water filter that is certified to lower the levels of PFAS in your water.

The Nutritional Power of Blueberries

Photo by Joanna Kosinska

July is National Blueberry Month and July 8 is National Blueberry Day so what better time to enjoy those blueberries and see why they have earned the title of “superfood”.

Nutritional facts:

  • Low glycemic index
  • High fiber content
  • Low calorie(1 cup of blueberries(150 grams) provides about 84 calories)
  • Rich in nutrients(high in vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6, manganese, folic acid, potassium)
  • High in water(about 85% water) so hydrating snack

Research has demonstrated health benefits

  • High antioxidant properties-studies suggest blueberries contain the highest amount of antioxidants than other fruits and vegetables. They contain Polyphenols and Anthocyanins(responsible for blue color of blueberries)
  • Protects bone health
  • Improves cholesterol, is linked to reduced levels of LDL(bad cholesterol)
  • Helps lower blood pressure
  • Helps prevent heart disease
  • Improves brain health

Get creative with those blueberries, eat them as a snack, make some nice blueberry desserts, add them to cereals, pancakes, oatmeal, yogurt, salads, smoothies, or something else. The important thing is reaping the benefits of blueberries while enjoying them.

Mediterranean Diet Explained

Photo by Anna Pelzer

There has been a lot of hype about the Mediterranean Diet especially since it’s been found in studies to have lots of health benefits. It was found in the 1950s that heart disease was not as common in Mediterranean countries(countries around the Mediterranean sea) as it was in the U.S which prompted many studies which confirmed that Mediterranean Diet helps prevent heart disease and stroke.

The Mediterranean Diet emphasizes plant-based foods and healthy fats. The diet mostly consists of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains with olive oil being the main source of fat. Olive oil provides monounsaturated fat which lowers total cholesterol and LDL(bad cholesterol). Eating patterns are different across different Mediterranean countries so it is flexible and should be tailored per individual taste.

Guidelines of Mediterranean Diet

  • Lots of vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, lentils
  • Lots of whole grains like whole wheat bread
  • Plenty of extra virgin olive oil as a source of healthy fat
  • Moderate amount of cheese, yogurt, fish
  • Little or no meat
  • Little or no sweets, sugary drinks, or butter
  • Wine is often associated with Mediterranean diet, but should only be included in moderation and if you don’t drink, don’t start.

Benefits of Mediterranean Diet

  • Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol
  • Supports healthy weight
  • Lowers risk of heart disease(helps arteries stay flexible and resist plaque buildups)
  • Supports healthy balance of gut flora
  • Enhances body’s ability to absorb blood sugar
  • Decreases inflammation
  • Lowers risk of metabolic syndrome
  • Slows the decline of brain function
  • Helps you live longer

Wildfire Smoke Can Affect Your Health

Photo by Ahmer Kalam

This week we saw several states in the US get affected by the Canadian wildfires with concerns of dangerous air quality. In fact, New York City was ranked among the worst in the world on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Unlike normal air pollution, wildfire smoke can linger in the air for weeks and travel hundreds of miles. Wildfire smoke can contain traces of heavy metals, plastics, chemicals, carcinogens, and PM2.5 (fine particular matter under 2.5 microns which are particles 100 times thinner than a human hair). These particles can get deep into airways and leads to more inflammation and tissue damage than air pollution.

  • For healthy individuals with no pre-existing conditions, symptoms range from shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, eyes irritation, headache, fatique, sinus irritation, itchy skin
  • Those that are high risk include those with underlying lung or heart conditions, elderly, babies, pregnant women
  • Wildfire smoke has been linked to higher rates of strokes, heart attacks, heart failure, weakened immunity, increase respiratory infections.
  • There is concern that the effects of smoke from wildfires can last for few years

What can you do?

  • Check Air Quality Index in your area
  • Those that are living in dangerous air quality areas should stay indoors and close all windows, avoid outdoor activities, and if need to go out for any reason, should be wearing tightfitting mask such as N95 when outdoors.

People Cannot Afford Prescription Medications

Researchers from the National Center for Health Statistics analyzed responses to the 2021 National Health Interview Survey of US households. The report by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that millions of adults in the United States were not taking medications prescribed to them due to cost.

About 60% of adults aged 18 to 64 years reported taking one prescription medication in 2021. Among those that took prescription medications, 8.2%(about 9.2 million people) did not take medications as prescribed due to cost. Women were more likely than men to not take medication.

The United States is one of the richest countries but the cost of medications, healthcare insurance industry, pharmaceutical companies, all have made it difficult for patients to afford lifesaving medications. It harms the patient to skip medications, ration, delay a prescription refill, or take a lower dose than prescribed and they may eventually end up with other health consequences.

If you are not taking your prescription medication as prescribed, please speak to your healthcare provider, often times there are alternatives available which will cost less or resources available to offset some of the cost.

Changes to Expect With Regular Exercise

Photo by Lucas van Oort

So you’ve been consistently getting in your exercise for the past month and are wondering when you will start to see some results. Don’t stop what you are doing if you don’t see the results. Like anything, this will take time but here is what to expect:

Decrease in heart rate

Like the other muscles in your body, the heart which is also a muscle will get stronger and your heart will pump more blood per beat which will decrease your resting heart rate. You can expect to see this change in a few weeks of consistent work-outs.

Change in blood pressure

  • Going from being relatively sedentary to increasing your step count and getting in some aerobic exercise can decrease both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
  • After a few weeks, there will also be an improvement in blood pressure for those individuals with borderline elevated blood pressure and those who have hypertension(known elevated blood pressure). However, those with normal blood pressure, will see little overall change.

Muscle fitness

You may notice a little bit of muscle toning in about a month or two, but it may take about 3-6 months to see significant improvement in your muscle fitness when you incorporate regular resistance training in your work-outs. This is because the neruromuscular connetions learn how to more efficiently contract your muscles. Although the results of resistance training are variable from person to person, you will eventually see improvement in strength, muscle tone, and overall fitness.

Weight loss

This again varies from person to person but to really see some significant result, you need to get in 60 minutes or more of activity time.

Improvement in mood

Exercise will lead to an improvement of mood, reduce stress, and help energy levels. It has been found that even a quick 10 minute walk can have these results.

Improved endurance

With continued exercise, endurance will improve. It takes about 8-12 weeks to see improvement in endurance and overall cardiovascular health. There will be more oxygen delivered to the working muscles which will allow for longer work-outs and reduced effort.

Losing That Extra Fat Will Take Some Time

Photo by Siora Photography

It’s been several weeks since you started working out and actually sticking to the schedule but are just not seeing the results. Where and when can you expect to see the results? Each person carries fat differently with genetics, hormones, environment, and lifestyle all playing a role.

Fat is the extra carbohydrate or protein from food that we eat that gets converted into triglycerides and stored in adipocytes in the body. There are 2 types of fat.

  1. Visceral or “hard” fat-this is a dangerous type of white fat that is between, around, and inside organs.
  2. Subcutaneous or “soft” fat-this is located under the skin and is not as dangerous as visceral fat, you can pinch this fat through your skin

When a calorie deficit is created either by reducing oral intake or increasing physical activity, your body draws on the stored triglyceride for fuel but stores are tapped evenly throughout the body so we cannot choose where the body will tap into this.

  • You will first lose the bad visceral fat that surrounds your organs, then you will start burning the soft fat
  • As to where you will lose that soft fat- some say that you lose weight where you last gained it and the first place you gained that fat will be the last to go
  • Spot-training or targeting one body area such as your abdomen does not really work, work on full body work-outs
  • It may be diffcult for women to lose in their hips, butts, and thighs because the fat there is important for child-bearing and related to higher levels of estrogen

How to burn fat effectively

  • Create a calorie deficit(work out and practice intentional eating)
  • Build muscle to increase your basal metabolic rate
  • You need to be consistent and do regular physical activity at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. However to notice significant changes in terms of weight loss, goal will be to be physically active for 60 minutes or more.
  • In about 3-6 months, you will start seeing 25-100% improvement in muscular fitness if you are also doing regular resistance exercise

Remember, it took a long time to build up the fat. It will take some time to get where you want to, but keep with it. You will eventually see that stubborn fat budge away be it in your belly or elsewhere. Your body will look and feel more toned and it will be worth it.